Sunday, May 3, 2015

Serving in Silence Reflection

Topic Question:  What is your reaction to this true story? Do you believe that she should have kept her secret or told it to everyone? Explain your reasons why.

The film Serving in Silence tells the story of Margarethe Cammermeyer, a woman serving in the National Guard who, after disclosing that she is a lesbian, is faced with the chances of being honorably discharged for breaking Army regulations. I have to say that I was surprised when I realized that the topic was her discrimination for being a lesbian. I had imagined that she would be discriminated, but for being a woman in general and not because of her sexuality. The movie is very good and I particularly liked how she stood her ground and did not take the easy way out the multiple times she was offered to retract her statement about being a lesbian. That must have been very hard. It is seen in the movie that it was a hard thing to go through, and not just for her, but for her family as well.

On the left is Glenn Close, the actress who played Margarethe Cammermeyer in the movie,
and on the right is the real Margarethe Cammermeyer.

Her decision to tell the truth must have also been hard. She knew the Army regulations and she knew the direction the interview was headed. She says that she told the truth because she was being honest. Whether or not she should’ve told the truth is dependent on two (or three) things: whether her goals were career centered or if they were centered on personal fulfillment. Those that live to work would definitely have not told the truth. Those that work to live might have told the truth. I say that they might have told the truth because this would vary by person. If the person is strong willed, confident and has moral support, then that person would’ve definitely told the truth. Any other person lacking any or all of these three would probably not have told the truth. I would classify myself as a work to live kind of person, but I can’t say if I would’ve told the truth. It is hard to throw oneself in the light of a conflicting issue, even if one is sure that one’s view of the matter is right. Therefore, one could easily save themselves the trouble and not tell the truth. On the other hand, movements and changes in the status quo are done by people that stand up and challenge the current ideology. In this sense, I believe that Margarethe did the right thing. She is an example and an inspiration to everyone. Yet I still can’t say that I would’ve done the same in a similar situation.
With this being said, I generally don’t like movies from the 90s or earlier (there’s just something about the look and feel that I don’t like), but it didn’t bother me with this movie. That surprised me. So, to sum up, the movie Serving in Silence is very good and I’d recommend it to anyone. It tells the story of Margarethe Cammermeyer, a lesbian in the National Guard who challenges the status quo of Army regulations regarding sexuality. It is truly an inspiring story.

Check out this interesting interview with the real Margarethe Cammermeyer:


  1. I consider myself a pretty strong-willed person, but I'm not sure if I could've done the same in her situation either. It takes a lot of courage to decide to go against regulations imposed by none other than the military. She faced extreme exposure to the media and losing her job, and she could have avoided it if she took the easy way out and lied. Certainly, she's an inspiration to all and a great example to follow.

  2. I like that picture that you got! It's shows real girl power!
